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 Patch 4.0.6 Patch Notes (PTR) 德鲁伊各项修改补充
作者: gywfz 发布时间: 2011-01-10 发表评论/查看评论 复制本页网址 加入收藏夹
Barkskin is no longer dispellable.
Healing Touch is now trained at level 78, up from level 3.
Lacerate damage has been reduced by approximately 20%.
Mangle (Bear Form) weapon damage (at level 80+) has been reduced to 235%, down from 300%.
Mangle (Cat Form) weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased to 460%, up from 360%.
Maul damage has been reduced by approximately 20%.
Mount Up: This guild perk now applies to Flight Form and Swift Flight Form as well.
Nourish is now trained at level 8, down from level 78.
Omen of Clarity can no longer trigger from helpful spells (aka heals), unless the Restoration talent Malfurion's Gift is chosen.
Rake damage has been reduced by 10%.
Rejuvenation is now trained at level 3, down from level 8. In addition, its mana cost has been reduced from 26% to 16%.
Rip damage has been reduced by 10%.
Shred weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased to 450%, up from 350%.

Wild Mushroom is now instant cast, down from 0.5 seconds. In addition, the radius of detonation has been increased to 6 yards, up from 3, and damage done increased by 15%.

Glyph of Regrowth now causes the heal-over-time effect to refresh itself on targets at or below 50% health, up from 25%.
Glyph of Wrath now increases damage done by Wrath by 10% and no longer requires Insect Swarm on the target.


Barkskin is no longer dispellable.

Healing Touch is now trained at level 78, up from level 3.

Lacerate damage has been reduced by approximately 20%.

Mangle (Bear Form) weapon damage (at level 80+) has been reduced to 235%, down from 300%.

Mangle (Cat Form) weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased to 460%, up from 360%.

Maul damage has been reduced by approximately 20%.

Mount Up: This guild perk now applies to Flight Form and Swift Flight Form as well.

Nourish is now trained at level 8, down from level 78.

Omen of Clarity can no longer trigger from helpful spells (aka heals), unless the Restoration talent Malfurion's Gift is chosen.

Rake damage has been reduced by 10%.

Rejuvenation is now trained at level 3, down from level 8. In addition, its mana cost has been reduced from 26% to 16%.

Rip damage has been reduced by 10%.

Shred weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased to 450%, up from 350%.

Wild Mushroom is now instant cast, down from 0.5 seconds. In addition, the radius of detonation has been increased to 6 yards, up from 3, and damage done increased by 15%.


Glyph of Regrowth now causes the heal-over-time effect to refresh itself on targets at or below 50% health, up from 25%.

Glyph of Wrath now increases damage done by Wrath by 10% and no longer requires Insect Swarm on the target.


Bloodlust, Heroism, Time Warp and Ancient Hysteria can no longer be cast while in Arenas.

The night elf racial trait Shadowmeld can now be used while shapeshifted.

The tauren racial trait War Stomp can now be used while shapeshifted.

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