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 Patch 4.0.6 - PTR Build 13482术士改动
作者: cmyyk2010 发布时间: 2011-01-12 发表评论/查看评论 复制本页网址 加入收藏夹
Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)
•Curse of Exhaustion now has a 40 yards range, up from 30 yards.
•Unstable Affliction now silences the dispeller for 4 sec, down from 5 sec.

•Demon Armor and Fel Armor now seem to be permanent (no longer lasts 30 mins?)
•Fel Armor no longer regenerates the caster's life and increases his/her maximum mana by 10% instead.
•(Metamorphosis) Immolation Aura base damage has been increased by 5%, from 538 to 567.
•Demonic Aegis now increases the amount of mana granted by Fel Armor by 50/100% instead of the amount of life.
•Demon Soul Imp effect has been changed to - Critical strike chance of your cast time Destruction spells increased by 30% for 20 sec.
•Inferno now also increases the duration fo your Immolate by 6 sec.
•Master Demonologist now increases the damage done by your demon servants and damage you deal while transformed into a demon by 16% (up from 12%). Each point of Mastery increases damage by an additional 2%. (Up from 1.5%)

•Aftermath is now a Tier 2 talent, down from Tier 3.
•Improved Soul Fire is now a Tier 3 talent, up from Tier 2. No longer increases your spell haste and now increases your Fire and Shadow damage done by 4/8% for 15 sec after you deal damage with Soul Fire. This effect has a 6 sec cooldown.
•Burning Embers effect now deals up to [ 0.121% of Spell Power + 20.209 ], down from [ 0.143% of Spell Power + 23.921 ] damage.
•Fiery Apocalypse now increases all fire damage you deal by 10.8% (up from 10%). Each point of Mastery increases fire damage by an additional 1.35%. (up from 1.25%)

Demon Armor and Fel Armor no longer cost mana and last until canceled

*疲劳诅咒现在拥有40码施法距离 从30码上升
*痛苦震荡被驱散后 沉默对方4秒 从3秒上升

*魔甲术和邪甲术不再消耗魔法 并且无持续时间直到取消
*邪甲术不再回复施法者的生命 而是增加他10%法力上限
*恶魔合体 与小鬼合体现在增加30% (20%) 毁灭系法术暴击率 持续20秒 [说明是30% 链接给的技能是20% 不知道具体值]
*恶魔庇护 原增加邪甲术生命回复效果50%/100%现改为增加邪甲术增加的魔法上限50%/100%
*地狱火天赋现在除了让你移动自焚 还增加6秒献祭持续时间
*恶魔天赋专精 现在增加你恶魔变身状态下和你的恶魔宝宝 16%伤害(从12%上调) 每点专精加2%伤害(从1.5%上调)

*清算 移动到第二层 从第三层上调
*强化灵魂火 移到第三层 从第二层下调 现在增加4%/8% 火焰和暗影伤害 持续15秒 此效果有6s cd
*火焰余烬 伤害现在最多为 0.121%法伤+ 20.209 伤害 从 0.143%法伤+ 23.921 伤害下调
*火毁专精 现在增加火焰伤害10.8% (从10%上调) 每点专精增加1.35% (从1.25%上调)

术士区发不了贴 就发这里了 求镜像

暴雪官网发出了最后版本的4.0.6的Patch Note 来源

基本是之前各个改动的整合 新加的几条在此补充

•Felstorm (Felguard) damage has been reduced by 20%.
•Immolation Aura damage has been reduced by roughly 30%.
•Fear now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.
•Seduction (Succubus) now has a PvP duration of 8 seconds.

*恶魔旋风(恶魔守卫) 伤害降低 20%
*献祭光环 伤害降低30%

•Master Demonologist (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 33%.
•Burning Embers damage has been reduced by 15%.
•Fiery Apocalypse (Mastery) benefit from mastery increased by approximately 8%.

*恶魔大师 专精收益提高了约33%
*火焰余烬 伤害降低了15%
*火毁专精 专精收益提高了约8%

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