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作者: pkulittle 发布时间: 2011-02-10 发表评论/查看评论 复制本页网址 加入收藏夹

Ask:as of 4.0.6 crusader strike isnt giving holy power if its dodged/parried/or misses,it was doing this on the ptr of this patch and now its live,alot of people think its a bug because this wasnt mentioned as a change in any of the ptr builds.

this has pretty big implications for all specs of paladins,prot/holy/ret.

can we get clarification on wether or not this is a bug or is intended?
Answer:This was a bug. A note for this has been added under the Paladin Bug Fixes section here: [http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/2166872 ]

Missing attacks should not generate Holy Power. We generally don’t reward characters for failing to land attacks. Retribution paladins can improve their hit or expertise like other melee DPS specs do. Tanks don’t generally stack a lot of hit or expertise, but we think Protection paladins will still be able to tank just fine. Prot warriors for example miss Shield Slams.




Crusader Strike, Holy Shock, and Hammer of the Righteous no longer incorrectly grant Holy Power from a missed attack.


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