Hunters Aimed Shot damage has been decreased to approximately 160% weapon damage (at level 80+), down from 200%. Aspect of the Hawk now provides around an additional 2000 attack power at level 85.
刚刚看到的蓝贴关于猎人的改动 1. 80+级别后瞄准射击从武器200%加成降低到160% 2. 雄鹰守护85级增加额外的2000强度
Classes Hunters The changes to Aimed Shot and Aspect of the Hawk announced yesterday have not yet been applied to live realms and should not go into effect until after the holiday weekend. 剛剛的藍貼,說要等米國人過完假期,獵人的改動才上線,應該是我們時間星期一或星期二就有了
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