Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents) * Heroic Throw is now available from trainers at level 20. * Pummel is now usable in all stances. * Shield Bash has been removed from the game. * Spell Reflection cooldown has been increased to 25 seconds, up from 10. 英勇投掷 20级可学 拳击3姿态可用 盾击移除 盾牌反射CD提高为25秒,从10秒上调
Arms 武器 * Juggernaut no longer adds 2 seconds to the Charge stun, but instead lowers the cooldown of Charge by 2 seconds (to 13 seconds total without the glyph). * Lambs to the Slaughter now causes Mortal Strike to refresh Rend in addition to its current effects. 战神现在不在增加冲锋晕迷时间,改为减少冲锋CD 2秒 待宰羔羊 现在使你的致死打击刷新你的撕裂
Fury 狂暴 * Flurry haste bonus has been doubled to 16/32/50%. 乱舞效果翻倍成 16% 32% 50%
Protection 防御 * Shield Mastery no longer affects the cooldown of Spell Reflection, however, it now allows Shield Block to reduce magic damage as well. * Gag Order now only affects Heroic Throw. 盾牌掌握现在不再减少盾牌反射的CD, 但是现在能让你的盾牌格挡减少魔法伤害 禁令现在只对英勇投掷有效果
Glyph 雕文 * Glyph of Spell Reflection reduces the cooldown of Spell Reflection by 5 seconds, up from 1 second. 盾牌反射雕文现在减少盾牌反射的CD 5秒,从1秒上调
——————————————————————————————————————————天元突破的分割线------------------------------- 武器的输出循环简单了一些,不用补撕裂了,狂暴方面是个战士都会笑吧~~怒气又开始用不完了,防御天赋悲剧了点,盾反NERF(这个是为PVP买单) PVP 方面么。。PVP里可以3姿态打断了,但是没了10秒一次的盾牌反射,打法系更加困难了。。。。