我做了一个粗略的测试(如果有人发现方法有问题的话,欢迎指出来)。 首先,我遗忘了天赋,去除所有的buff,去除所有的智力法伤的物品,然后对自己连续施放圣光术。然后,我在神圣天赋当中点了一点(纯洁审判),然后持续对自己施放圣光术。最终结果是:未点神圣天赋的情况下,平均的圣光术输出是6732.点了天赋之后,是7518.也就是说有大概11%的提升。因此,如果没有什么大问题的话,光明漫步的效果是10%,也有可能是hotfix还没有实装。还有一些消息是,我施放了25个没有点天赋的圣光术以及39个点了天赋的,去除了其中的暴击部分,因此样本可能有点小。
I did a quick and dirty check (and if anybody finds faults with my methods, please point them out). First I dropped my talents completely, removed all buffs, removed any +int/sp procs and cast a bunch of Holy Lights on myself. Then, I put a single point in Judgements of the Pure and cast another bunch of Holy Lights on myself. The average from the first (untalented) set came out to 6,732 and the average from the second set (with 1 talent point) came out to 7,518. That's about 11%. So, unless anybody finds any faults, it looks like it's still 10%, or the hotfix hasn't been applied yet. Oh, and to be completely open, I cast 25 untalented HL and 39 talented, so the sample is rather small. I also removed all crit heals.